
神之浩劫新神明脑洞大开 中国新神明后羿技能大猜想












  被动-安慰的春江花月夜的:每一个能力后,后羿具有攻击时的持续时间没有移动速度的debuff。每一个后羿被受到盟友的能力的时候,他也获得永久堆栈扩展这种被动的效果的持续时间。时间:3.5秒+ 0.3秒每叠栈最高:15。

  技能1 -在河口垂涎前:后羿射他的敌人,破坏他们。他还系绳,迅速 ​​拖动首先瞄准敌人上帝给他。这种击晕敌人的神。的能力,通过一切。类型:中型行伤害:???眩晕:1.5秒范围:70英尺冷却时间:16S。

  技能2 -当牙齿撕裂:后羿启动快速连续三箭。它造成伤害,并有在对敌人的神成功命中附加效果。第一个箭头增加后羿的物理渗透,第二个箭头增加后羿的攻击速度,第三箭降低敌人的物理神灵保护。箭头穿过的爪牙,做伤害他们。类型:窄行每箭伤害:???渗透增加:15为3.5秒攻击速度增加:为3.25s 50%跌幅的保护:???3秒范围:70英尺冷却时间:16S

  技能3 -上面的风:后羿被向前推进对风的电流,而射箭的凌空下降到目标区域降落前,有类型:地面目标(飞跃)伤害:???半径:15英尺冷却时间:15秒。




  Lore:Coming down to the time of antiquity, ten suns once rose together to the skies; this naturally brought great disaster to mankind. The seas boiled dry, the scorched earth cracked from beneath, all the plants began to wither, and animals were dying in masses. Moreover, ferocious beasts had appeared and ravaged the devastated lands. This caused hardship to the people, who desperately prayed to the gods night and day.

  Descending from heaven to earth, the divine archer Houyi—accompanied by his beloved wife Chang'e—traveled over the earthly surface… wherever they looked, they saw people who were starving, suffering, weak, and terrified. As the divine archer grew angry at this dreadful sight, he reached the summit of the highest mountain where he lifted his great red bow upwards and—with white arrows streaking across the sky—nine suns fell, only one was spared. As the world remained perilous to its people, Houyi set forth over the ravaged lands, slaying the mighty beasts that dared threaten the innocent people within these four seas.

  Accomplishing his mission, all seemed well and the people rejoiced. Thus the brave Houyi and the beautiful Chang'e returned to heaven, but the divine archer had incurred the wrath of the Jade Emperor for the ten suns were his offspring, so it was that Houyi and Chang'e lost their immortality and were banished from heaven.

  Attempting to regain their immortality, Houyi began a long and perilous journey to Mount Kunlun, where the goddess Xi Wangmu resided. Hearing about the divine archer's great deeds, the goddess took pity on the couple and bestowed upon them the elixir of immortality. Yet tragic happenstance had Chang'e struggle to hide the elixir from thieves and forced to drink it. Thus she ascended to the solitude of the moon, while Houyi—perpetually separated from his love on the moon—eventually disappeared with the people of his time. Yet with mankind in peril once again, his heavenly imperative has only begun.

  Appearance:He wears clothing that matches with that of Chang'e, but he is more armored than her ofcourse. Since Houyi is an archer, he wears lighter armor than Guan Yu. He carries a red bow and a quiver filled with

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